Male Infertility Treatments

male infertility treatment in Rohini

Male infertility is one of the common factors in couples, we the Golden IVF Clinic, one of the leading Male Infertility Treatment in Rohini, Delhi. If stats are to be believed, of the total infertility cases about 40-45% are due to male partners.

The assessment for male infertility begins with the initial semen test known as Semen analysis. The semen analysis report brings out the analysis for the quantity and the quality of the sperm produced. Also, it reflects the basic abnormalities found in the semen such as:

  • Poor Sperm Count – Oligospermia
  • Poor sperm Motility – Asthenospermia
  • Poor sperm Morphology – Teratospermia

And the combination of poor sperm count, motility, and morphology is known as OAT or oligo-astheno-teratospermia in medical terms.

Treatments for male infertility are greatly taken care of at Golden IVF Clinic, Male Infertility Treatment Centre Rohini, in Delhi under Dr. Sethi, Best Male Fertility Doctor in Rohini, Delhi.

As each individual is different the treatment for male infertility needs to be individualized. Treatment could begin with the analysis of different aspects of the case scenario such as the duration of married life, reports of the female partner, analysis of semen report, age factor of the couple, and infertility duration.

Golden IVF Clinic the most authentic and transparent Male Infertility Treatment Clinic in Delhi, we ensure and offer the most advent techniques and treatment modalities to our patients.

Under the supervision of Dr. Sethi, Best Male Infertility Doctor in Rohini, Delhi, we deliver modern and most authentic treatment to our patients, which includes:

  • Hormone Injections for Azoospermia and Oligospermia
  • Surgery for Varicocele repair
  • ICSI Treatment for Oligospermia
  • MESA and PESA
  • Sperm freezing

At Golden IVF Clinic, we take supreme care of our patients. Provide consultation and mental support at each and every step of treatment. We stand strong and deliver the best for the patients.

For the highest quality of affordable fertility care from the best male infertility in Rohini, Delhi, please call +91-7777001828 or write to us at [email protected]